Advanced Degree
Master of Theology (MTh)OVERVIEW
The Master of Theology degree at Trinity is designed for those with a strong first theological degree who are seeking advanced knowledge for either pastoral or teaching ministries. The MTh provides training in developing advanced skills in study and research and it is a good stepping-stone to more advanced research degrees such as the MLitt or the DTh.
TTC recognises that the rapid development of Asia calls for an informed and well-honed leadership from the Christian church. It also recognises the urgent need for more theological educators and theological education in the region to be strengthened. It is with all these in mind that the degree is offered. Rigour of thought with commitment to the historic Christian faith will be the defining ethos of the degree.
The MTh programme is offered in the following areas of concentration: Old Testament, New Testament, Theological Studies and Christianity in Asia. These areas of concentration are offered on the basis of the availability of faculty. TTC reserves the right not to offer any of these areas of concentration at any time.
The MTh programme is designed to be completed in one and a half years. However, students have up to three years to complete it.
The MTh degree requires the completion of four courses (usually offered in the form of seminars) and a thesis. The general course on theological research and academic writing must be taken. Theological Research and Academic Writing is only graded pass or fail, and does not count towards the final grade. The other three courses must be in an area of concentration.
The student must maintain at least a B- for all courses and pass the thesis examination in order to be eligible for graduation.
At TTC, we are privileged to learn from a faculty that possess both scholarly minds and pastoral hearts.
It has been very enriching for the past years of pursuit of my study for the Master of Theology.
I remember my professors and friends, our discussions, the papers I wrote, the meetings in faculty offices where I engaged the ideas in different books. I think about the arguments I wrestled with, developed, let go of. I remember wrestling with my own understandings, teachers and peers, as I felt myself changing and growing. I do not value the books, the memories of my time in TTC and the master’s programme so much because of the degree they helped me achieve; I value them for who they helped me become. I have realized that the benefit of a theological education is less in the information we take in or the training we receive, but more about the kind of leaning and experiential communities we build together. This happens more so when we engage in conversations among ourselves as seminarians or as the theologically educated about what we might do differently that might help us to not only be informed but also to be formed.
Thank you, TTC, for everything.