Research Facilities
Research Facilities
The College Library holds one of the best collections of theological books and periodicals in the region. With a collection strength exceeding 108,000 items, this includes over 93,000 prints both in English and Chinese, plus critical works in German, Latin and Greek. The Library also holds over 900 theses and subscribes to approximately 100 print serial titles plus selected full text online editions from Brill, Cambridge and Sage publishers in biblical studies, Theology and Missions. This is further supplemented by the library’s subscription to EBSCO American Theological Library Association Serials (ATLAS) which hosts over 1.8 million records. This includes the indexing of over 1,800 journals plus full text articles and reviews from more than 300 journal titles.
A Southeast Asian Collection has also been set up in the library for the development of resources pertaining to this region. Included in this collection are the publications of the various churches, such as church anniversary magazines and reports. Digital editions of church serials produced by the College’s governing board members are also acquired. The aim of this collection is for the library to become a repository for church publications in this region thus serving as a useful source of information for research.
The library has a significant collection of microforms pertaining to the archives of several missionary societies. These include the Church Missionary Society Archives, the Methodist Missionary Society Archives, the Presbyterian Church of England Foreign Missions Archives and the Papers of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. The library also holds the complete set of full text of the Chinese Recorder and Missionary Recorder (1868-1941) and the Chinese Repository (1832-1851), a valuable resource for the study of western missionary movements, perceptions and influences in China. Overall these resources provide a fascinating, informative and rich primary resource for the study of mission history and theology in East Asia.
A rare book collection is also found in the Library. Here books that were published more than 100 years ago are kept for restricted use. Among the gems found here is a set of the Chinese Bible translated by Robert Morrison and William Milne of the London Missionary Society. This translation was completed in 1819 and was printed in Malacca at the Anglo-Chinese College Press in 1823. Also found in our rare book collection is the Sheng Nian Guan Yi, a set of devotional materials compiled and translated into Chinese by Jesuit Priest Joseph Anne Marie de Moyriac de Mailla who went to China in 1703. This set was published in 1738. It is a collection of daily meditations including scripture, the teaching of the Saints, biographies of Christians, daily meditations and daily prayers.
Access is also available to several excellent libraries in Singapore including the National Library, the National University of Singapore Library, and the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Library. These are all steadily growing libraries committed to serving the increasing need for research in the region. TTC library also provides Document Delivery Services with links to established institutions including Tyndale House in Cambridge and Yale Divinity Library.