Advanced Degree
Master of Ministry (MMin)OVERVIEW
The Master of Ministry (MMin) degree was first offered at Trinity Theological College in 1975 with the aim of providing further theological training for pastors so that they can be more effective in ministry. This was necessitated by the following trends: church members were becoming better educated, and society was going through rapid changes which provided new challenges for the ministry. All these called for deeper reflection and better equipping of senior pastors to enable them to provide wise leadership and effective ministry in the churches. Over the years, the MMin degree has attracted a steady stream of senior pastors from various countries and denominations. The MMin courses provide a rich opportunity for students to share experiences and learn together in a cross-cultural and inter-denominational environment, and forge new friendships that extend beyond national and denominational boundaries.
Courses are designed to help the students build upon their first theological degree and their ministry experience. They provide opportunities for reflection, deepening the personal life of faith, upgrading professional skills and competence, assimilating up-to-date knowledge and acquiring stronger biblical and theological foundations for effective ministry. While this programme of study expects a high academic standard, its focus is on the practical application of knowledge and insights gained in the context of ministry situations.
The programme is designed to be completed in one year, when a full load is taken. However, students who are residents in Singapore have up to two years to complete it.
The MMin degree requires the completion of four courses and two research projects. Each course involves three hours of classroom instruction per week in addition to time needed for research and reflection. The student must maintain at least a C+ for all the four courses and two research projects in order to be eligible for graduation.
Thank God for His grace in bringing me back to Trinity Theological College for a good year of further theological equipping that has broadened my perspective, deepened my theological reflection and grown me in greater intimacy with the Lord. Thank God for the memorable time with my lecturers and fellow college mates.
Praising God for a great homecoming after three decades and a time in TTC for reflecting and refreshing.