Principal’s Welcome
Dear Friends,
Welcome to Trinity Theological College (TTC).
TTC seeks to equip the people of God for ministry in the church and society. We welcome prospective students who want to be trained as full-time pastors, missionaries and para-church workers. We also welcome those from among the laity who want to be equipped to serve their churches better and to become more effective witnesses for Christ through their vocations in society.
Being the oldest seminary in Singapore, TTC has been engaged in equipping Christians for ministry since 1948. Missionaries who were interned in Changi prison during the Japanese Occupation had a vision of a union college for the training of Christian workers to serve the churches. Soon after the war, this vision became reality when the founding denominations proceeded to establish TTC.
As a union college, TTC is an extension of the ministry of our Governing Churches. Although governed by four denominations, we train students from a wide spectrum of churches, ethnicities and nationalities. In a fragmented world, TTC seeks to live out the unity of Christ’s body in our academic and communal life.
The TTC faculty remains one of the most qualified in the region. Made up of Singaporeans who understand our local and Asian contexts, they are rooted in their local churches and denominations, and committed to their service. They not only teach, research and publish, but also provide pastoral guidance in their mentorship of students.
TTC sees the development of the spiritual life as essential to theological education. Our weekly rhythm of classes, family groups and community meals, centres around the worship of God through chapel, prayer and special services. Guided retreats for students and lay people are also conducted to encourage the practice of solitude and quiet reflection as a regular feature of the spiritual life.
The primary goal of our curriculum is to teach and transmit the apostolic faith so that in turn, our students may bear authentic Christian witness in our complex and changing world. The Ethos Institute for Public Christianity, a Christian think-tank of which TTC is a partner institution, complements this goal by modelling well-informed and articulate responses to important issues in the public square from the perspective of the historic Christian faith.
TTC offers a theological education that focuses on the faithful transmission of the apostolic faith through its able and caring teachers, the formation of our spiritual lives in a wholesome and worshipping community, and the need to bear witness to Christ in the world.
May God guide you to discern his will as you weigh the options for theological education at TTC.
Thank you for visiting our website. Should you be in the vicinity, you are most welcome to visit us at our Upper Bukit Timah campus.
Yours in Christ,
Rev Dr Edwin Tay