Rev Dr Maggie Low
Dean of Students
LLB (National University of Singapore)
MDiv (Trinity Theological College, Singapore)
ThM (Regent College, Vancouver, Canada)
ThM (Princeton Seminary, USA)
PhD (Union Theological Seminary-PSCE, USA)
Denomination: Presbyterian
Area of Research: Old Testament (E)
Area of interest:
Old Testament, Hebrew, Hebrew Exegesis, Old Testament Theology, Isaiah, Ecclesiastes, Psalms, Feminist Hermeneutics, Preaching, Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis Authorized Counsellor
Rev Dr Maggie Low is an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church of Singapore (PCS). She has a law degree from the National University of Singapore and served as a Varsity Christian Fellowship staff worker with the Fellowship of Evangelical Students (FES) where she helped to establish their missions training programme. She was also a pastor at Ang Mo Kio Presbyterian Church (AMKPC) for 11 years, during which she built up the Chaplaincy of Presbyterian High School. She led the Church for 8 of those years and was ordained as the lead pastor in 2001.
With the endorsement of PCS, Dr Low joined the faculty of Trinity Theological College as an Old Testament lecturer. She obtained her Th.M. from Princeton Theological Seminary and her PhD from Union Theological Seminary-Presbyterian School of Christian Education, Richmond, Virginia.
Dr Low often preaches at churches of all denominations. She has conducted courses on the Psalms and Ecclesiastes in various conferences, including the Living Word Conference organised by the Bible Society of Singapore and the Anglican Diocese. As a Presbyterian minister of the PCS, she serves on the Theological Review and Response Committee of the Synod.
Maggie is married to David Low, a dyslexia specialist, and they have two children – Micah, a young adult, and Melissa, a teenager. Her interests include reading, musicals, and movies.
Published works
- God I’m Angry: Anger, Forgiveness, and the Imprecatory Psalms (Carlisle, UK: Langham, 2023). Read more about the book here.
- Asian Feminist Biblical Studies, Editor (HK: Chinese University Press, forthcoming)
- “Isaiah in Asia,” in Oxford Handbook on the Book of Isaiah, ed. Sophia-Lena Tiemeyer (New York: Oxford University Press, 2020), 670-681.
- “An Egalitarian Marriage: Reading Ephesians 5:21-33 Intertextually with Genesis 2,” in Asia Journal of Theology 33, no. 1 (Apr 2019): 3-19.
- Preaching That Comes Alive: Delivering a word from the Lord (Carlisle, UK: Langham, 2017).
- “The Power of Hospitality and Welcome,” “The Power of Honest Lament”, “A Communal and Egalitarian Ending,” in Ruth, Wisdom Commentary, ed. Alice L. Laffey and Mahri Leonard-Fleckman, (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2017), 20-21, 50-51, 151-153.
- “To Kill or Not to Kill the Enemies’ Women and Children? The Irony of Esther 8:11,”Asia Journal of Theology 30, no. 2 (Oct 2016): 145-159.
- “Barrenness,” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Theology, vol. 1, ed. Samuel E. Balentine (Oxford; London; New York: Oxford University Press, 2015), 79-83.
- “Hiddenness of God, Ancient Near East and Hebrew Bible/Old Testament,” in Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, vol. 11, ed. Dale C. Allison, Jr. et al. (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2015), 1017-1020.
- “The Confucian Ideal of Honoring Parents while also Honoring God,” in Global Perspectives on the Bible, ed. Mark Roncace and Joseph Weaver (Boston: Pearson. 2014), 69-70.
- Mother Zion in Deutero-Isaiah: A Metaphor for Zion Theology, Studies in Biblical Literature 155 (New York: Peter Lang, 2013).
- Courage, Collaboration, and the Common Good: Reflections by Asian Women Theologians, Centre for the Study of Christianity in Asia Occasional Paper Series 11 (Singapore: Trinity Theological College, 2013).
- “Sex, Status, and Sermon Evaluations,” in Courage, Collaboration, and the Common Good: Reflections by Asian Women Theologians, ed. Maggie Low, 89-96.
- “Women in Ministry, An Interview with Theological and Sociological Perspectives,” in Church+Society in Asia Today 15, no. 1 (April, 2012): 45-58.
- “Rediscovering Dorcas: Feminist Hermeneutics and Beyond (Acts 9:36-42),” in Trinity Theological Journal 19 (2011): 39-50.
- “Rev Dr Maggie Low: Wife, Mother, Ordained Minister, Faculty,” in A Pleasing Fragrance: A Portrait of the Presbyterian Women Ministry, ed. Lau Jen Sin (Singapore: The Presbyterian Church in Singapore, Chinese Presbytery, Women’s Work Committee, 2011), 245-253.
- “Eve’s Problem (Gen 3:16): Pain, Productivity, or Paucity of Birth?” (Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, November 20–23, 2010).
- “The Family in the Old Testament,” 3-part series in Trumpet, April, August, December, 2010.
- “Isa 49:14-26 – Who Gave Birth to Zion’s Children?” in Trinity Theological Journal 17 (2009): 20-34.
- “Growing in Ministry: My Experiences as a Pastor,” in Lights in the World: Living Encounters with God, ed. Kwa Kiem Kiok (Singapore: Trinity Theological College, 1998).
- “Can Women Teach? A Consideration of Argument from 1 Tim 2:11-15,” in Trinity Theological Journal 3 (1994): 1994.