Rev Dr James Lim
Associate Dean
BEng Hons., Mechanical Engineering (National University of Singapore)
MDiv (Trinity Theological College, Singapore)
PhD (University of Durham, UK)
Denomination: Presbyterian
Area of Research: New Testament (C/E)
Area of interest:
Pauline Theology, Pauline Churches, Biblical Hermeneutics, Second Temple Literature and the Social World of the New Testament
Rev Dr James Lim is an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church of Singapore (PCS). He worked at Hewlett-Packard Singapore for several years before obtaining his Master of Divinity at Trinity Theological College (TTC).
After serving as a pastor for 4 years at Ang Mo Kio Presbyterian Church (AMKPC), James was sent as a faculty-in-development by TTC and the Synod of PCS to study at Durham University, with the support and scholarships from the Brash Trust, the Council for World Mission, AMKPC and TTC. He completed his PhD studies in 2016 under the supervision of the Lightfoot Professor of Divinity, Professor John Barclay.
James is married to Beng Kwee, who is also an alumnus of TTC, and they have a daughter, Alethea. Besides reading, James is also an avid fan of jogging and movies.
- “Glory as Power in Paul’s Epistle to the Romans” PhD Thesis, Durham University, 2016.