CAC Luncheon Year 2023
“Is it possible for us to continue a commitment to theological education after starting full-time Christian ministry?” “How can we get help to navigate some of the procedural requirements relating to ordained ministry?” These were just some of the questions asked by students at a lunch gathering organised by the Board of Ministry (BOM) of the Chinese Annual Conference (CAC) of the Methodist Church in Singapore, on Fri 24 Mar 2023.
CAC President Rev Dr Gregory Goh welcomed and thanked the students for their participation, before opening the time in prayer. Following lunch, Rev Dr Goh and BOM Chairperson Rev Philip Lim facilitated a discussion with the CAC students. Students shared which church they were from, as well as their plans for future ministry. They were also urged by Rev Dr Goh to share about issues they faced, and how the Annual Conference could augment the support given to them by their local churches. After a spirited time of conversation, Rev Dr Goh concluded with an exhortation for students to be faithful to their calling, to have constant self-interrogation and awareness, and to have steadfast commitment to God’s kingdom.
The lunch gathering has given the students an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of CAC. It will also help the BOM and CAC TTC Chaplains offer more personalised support to the CAC students in TTC. The mutual exchange of encouragement and conversation was heartening. Thank you, CAC BOM, for organising the lunch—all participants hoped this would be the first of other CAC-TTC gatherings in the future!
Leaders who attended the lunch gathering:
Rev Dr Edwin Tay (Principal, TTC)
Rev Dr Gregory Goh (President, CAC)
Rev Philip Lim (BOM Chairperson, CAC)
Rev Dr Wilfred Ho (CAC Chaplain, TTC)
Rev Dr Andrew Peh (CAC Chaplain, TTC)
Rev Dr Nathanael Goh (CAC Chaplain, TTC)