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UNESCO 10th International Bioethics, Multiculturalism and Religion Workshop and Symposium

Dr Roland Chia attended the 10th International Bioethics Symposium organised by the UNECO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights in Madrid, Spain, from 17 to 19 Dec 2024.

More than 30 scholars in different disciplines (theology, philosophy, medicine, ethics, etc) gathered to discuss the theme of the conference, “The Nature of Medicine and the Role of Physicians”. The participants represent different religious traditions: Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, Orthodoxy, Judaism Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, and Taoism. Some participants are secular humanists.

Dr Roland Chia presented a paper entitled, “A Take of Two Colonies: Traditional Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong and Singapore”, in response to a paper by Dr Edmund Kwok on TCM and colonialism. Dr Kwok is a historian and has taught for many years in different universities and institutions in Hong Kong and China. Dr Chia has been involved with this UNESCO group for about 15 years.