Peace and Harmony Dialogue organised by the MCCY and Harmony Centre

On Sat 26 Oct 2024, the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY), in partnership with the Harmony Centre, held a Peace & Harmony Dialogue at the Yong Pung How School of Law at Singapore Management University in response to the escalating violence in the Middle East.
Dr Roland Chia participated as a panellist in the dialogue on behalf of the National Council of Churches of Singapore. The other panel members included:
- Mr Edwin Tong (Minister for Culture, Community and Youth and Second Minister for Law), who was also the guest-of-honour,
- Dr Nazirudin Mohd Nasir (Mufti of Singapore),
- Mr Malminderjit Singh (Chairman of the Sikh Advisory Board), and
- Venerable Dr Shi Chuan Sheng (Chairman of the Singapore Buddhist Federation’s Education Committee).
The programme opened with welcome remarks from Dr Daniel Tan, Vice-Chairperson of the Harmony Circle Coordinating Council, followed by a two-minute silent prayer led by the Inter-Religious Organisation.
Next was a one-hour closed-door dialogue, held under the Chatham House Rule and moderated by Ustazah Liyana Rosili Asmara, Head of the Harmony Centre at MUIS. Close to 400 participants from various organisations and faith communities attended this invitation-only event.