林博士是浸信会牧师,2007年至2010年获三一同意卸下教职,到新加坡浸信会神学院担任院长。回归后任副教务主任,负责华文神学课程。于2019年8月29日就任李怀光宗教教育教授教席,目前是东南亚神学教育协会神学联盟评议会(ATESEA Theological Union Senate)成员。*
多年来坚持以华英双语从事写作, 林博士长期关注圣经中的教育思想与实践对教会和社会的启迪。目前的研究领域有两方面:一为国家与社会现代化进程中教会的教育处境,二为教会秉承圣经与基督教传统的教育理念与想象。近期多次发表学术论文讨论公民社会崛起对基督教宗教教育的意涵,曾以“祭司式教育:一个教育符号的构建”为题,在香港浸信会神学院主讲三场公开演讲,计划出版中。
* 东南亚神学教育协会(ATESEA)是一个为东南亚神学院校提供学位认证的机构。
- “Church and Human Development: An Asian Perspective,” in A Church for the World: The Church’s Role in Fostering Democracy and Sustainable Development, ed. Samuel Y Deressa (Lanham: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2020).
- “The Rise of Civil Society and the Fashioning of Christian Agency: An Asian Perspective.” Asia Journal of Theology 31 (2017): 41-57.
- “基督徒能动性的培养:公民社会崛起中的基督教家教育反思” (Nurturing of Christian Agency: Christian Education in the midst of Civil Society), 《山道》Hill Road 38 (2016): 45-58.
- “普世与特殊:希伯来智慧思想的两元结构与教育空间” (Universality and Particularity: The Two-Pole Structure and Pedagogic Space of Hebrew Wisdom),《基督教文化学刊》Journal for the Study of Christian Culture 34 (2015): 91-118.
- “Re-Visioning the Public Character of Christian Education,” Church and Society in Asia Today (Singapore: Trinity Theological College, 2013): 77-92.
- “视野与踪迹:再思新加坡华文教会的福音见证” (Vision and Presence: Reflecting on the Witness of Chinese-Speaking Churches in Singapore),《信仰心当代情:三一神学院华文部讲师文集》(Faithful Heart, Contemporary Reflection: Collected Essays of TTC Chinese Faculty), 刘毓江、林德平、刘淑平编 (新加坡: 三一神学院, 2013), 112-134.
- “Between Text-World and Life-World: A Pedagogical Criticism of Lindbeck’s Cultural Theory of Religions,” Trinity Theological Journal 14 (2006): 113-123.
- “Baptists,” in Singapore: The Encyclopedia, ed. Tommy Koh (Singapore: Didier Millet and the National Heritage Board, 2006), 56.
- “Christian Education or Religious Education? A Clarification of Concepts.” Presented at the 2019 Association for Theological Education in South East Asia (ATESEA) Conference for Christian Educators, 8-9 October 2019. Dumaguete, Philippines.
- “双语语境下的基督教宗教教育与《和合本》圣经”(Christian Religious Education and Union Version Bible in the Bilingual Context)。发表于《和合本》圣经百年(1919-2019)与古文明新文化国际研讨会,2019年9月5-6日,新加坡。
- “飨宴中的他者:圣经中仪式的想象、记忆与教育意涵”(The Feast and the Others: Imagination, Memory and Educational Implications of Ritual in the Bible)。发表于《圣经》与基督教中国化国际学术研讨会,2017年11月15-17日,上海。
- “祭司式教育:一个教育符号的构建”(Priestly Education: Construction of an Educational Symbol)。 发表于香港浸信会神学院基督教教育讲座,2016年9月13-15日,香港。
- “希伯来思想与轴心突破”(Hebraic Wisdom and the Axial Age Breakthrough)。发表于《圣经》与文化国际学术研讨会,2014年10月29 – 11月1日,上海。