The Frederick Buechner, John Brown and Jerome Prize Winners 2022

Frederick Beuchner Prize for Homiletics 2022
This prize is awarded annually for excellence in homiletics for both the Chinese and the English Departments. It is named after a Christian author, whom many journalists regard as one of the finest religious writers of our time, and whose deep passion is to help people find God in unexpected times and places.

Zhang Yikun 张宝纹
Frederick Beuchner Prize for Homiletics 2022

Natalie Lam Su-Yin
Frederick Beuchner Prize for Homiletics 2022
Jerome Prize for Hebrew 2022
The prize is awarded annually to the top student in Hebrew for both the Chinese–and English Department respectively, and also for the most-improved student in the subject. It is named after the man who fought doggedly to bring the Hebrew text back to the Church, during the time when the Septuagint reigned supreme.

Huang Lajie 黄拉洁 | In absentia when the awards were presented
Jerome Prize for Hebrew 2022
Top Student

Charoensuk Nongyao
Jerome Prize for Hebrew 2022
Most-Improved Student

Fong Jia-en Jabez
Jerome Prize for Hebrew 2022
Top Student
John Brown Award for Greek 2022
The prize is awarded annually to the top student in Greek for both the Chinese–and English Department respectively, and also for the most-improved student in the subject. The name recalls the shepherd boy who learned Greek on his own, while shepherding sheep. He became a professor of divinity later in life.

Lin Siwei 林思伟
John Brown Award for Greek 2022
Top Student and Most Improved Student

Ang Peng Seng
John Brown Award for Greek 2022
Top Student