On Friday, 29 April, the mid-day chapel service focused on the connection between the gospel and practical ministry in Singapore. Representatives from three local ministries, namely, Ms Melissa Ong from A Rocha, Pastor Philip Chan from the Hiding Place, and Ms Mercy Ho from Tamar Village, shared about the work of their organizations. The assembly sang “People Need the Lord” as a response to the stirring testimonies it heard about God’s work in restoring persons and creation. Following the service, Principal Dr Ngoei Foong Nghian presented each organization with a donation from the Chapel offering fund.
A Rocha (Portuguese for “rock”) is an international Christian organization that engages communities in nature conservation. Its work includes the restoration of bird habitats (Canada) and a current project in Singapore to survey amphibians in urban parks in order to develop a better understanding of Singapore’s biodiversity.
The Hiding Place is a Christian home that seeks to rehabilitate drug addicts, ex-prisoners, homeless orphans, wayward teens, etc. Dedicated to sharing the gospel with clients, it seeks to make each person complete in Jesus Christ.
Tamar Village works with local ladies (Singaporeans) in Geylang and other areas to share the gospel and train ladies in English, baking, arts and crafts, sewing, custom jewelry making and business skills so that they can support themselves properly. Children and family are also included in the outreach work.
By Dr Jeffrey Truscott
Photos by Simon Ng (MDiv 1)