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Day of Prayer 2016

The annual Trinity Theological College Day of Prayer was held on 18 August, with a focus on the theme “From Silence to Action in a Broken World”. Stirred by the many instances of injustice around us, the TTC community gathered for a time of individual meditation, reflection, as well as corporate prayer.

Rev Dr Edwin Tay, the Dean of Students, reminded the community of the centrality of praying in the Spirit with all kinds of petitions (Eph 6:18), especially in situations when our words may fail us. Community members then visited different “prayer stations” arranged around the college premises. These stations provided community members to spend time reflecting on the nature of God through various means. For instance, some meditated on God with the help of Bach’s theologically rich compositions, others reflected on the nature of our Triune God using an icon of the Trinity by Andrei Rublev, while others engaged their sense of touch as they meditated while making a cross using palm leaves. Some members were also led through a time of guided meditation led by Dr Simon Chan and Dr Wilfred Ho.

The community then gathered for a time of corporate prayer for the world, those in need, and the TTC community. This was followed by a Holy Communion service led by the Chaplain, Dr Jeffrey Truscott. The day concluded with a time of sharing and prayer in Family Groups after a light lunch.

by Allan Lee (MDiv 2)