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Chinese New Year Celebration

After a week’s break from school to reunite with family and friends over the Lunar New Year (Year of the Pig), the TTC community gathered to celebrate and toss yusheng together.  Excited students flooded the dining hall at the special Wednesday Community Lunch on 13th February 2019. The festive mood was amplified by the energies of emcees first-year students, Isaac Tan and Hubin.

Principal Ngoei Foong Nghian opened with an address to the community, sharing that contrary to the popular belief that the nature of the pig is to be lazy, pigs are in fact hard-workers. He encouraged the community to do give their best in all they do.

Rev Dr Chiang Ming Shun, true to his calling as history professor, shared not church history, but gastronomic history – of the traditional Lunar New Year dish, yusheng! Local and international students, faculty and staff listened in rapt attention at the bite-sized fun facts about this dish. We can be proud that yusheng is in fact a true-blue Singaporean dish!

Turning the crowd’s attention back to said dish in the centre of each table, every Family Group was instructed to add the ingredients and spices while speaking blessings. With chopsticks and hopes held high, the simultaneous tossing as a community was gregarious and heart-warming! Soon bits and pieces of yusheng decorated table tops while sheepish grins gave away the culprits who caused such a culinary mess. Wide smiles and laughter evidenced our delight at the activity as well as each other’s fellowship.

Soon, we were tucking into the delicious lunch prepared by our in-house caterer, and an additional special treat for all – generous helpings of bak kwa, thoughtfully provided by the Community Living Committee.  Just when we thought that the celebration was over, everyone were invited to pray a special blessing for our Family Group mentors, and  our mentors were invited to return the favour.  What a perfect way to conclude our Lunar New Year Community Lunch!  With grateful hearts, we give thanks to our good Lord for His many blessings over our TTC Community.

By Melody Leong (BD1)