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A Lament about Abuse

God, where are you?
Abused, molested, and nearly raped.

I was rejected,
Betrayed by men and friends.

I attempted suicide,
In the midst of pains by individuals and family.

I experienced miscarriage twice,
I grieved beyond words.

When I see a pregnant woman or a baby, tears flow;
How I wish my babies are with me, but they are gone.

Why can some women just conceive and give birth easily?
God, where are you?

I have been kind,
Yet they ill-treat me,
May they have their lesson as a consequence of their sins.

Save me, Lord!
Turn away the evil people!

The Lord delivered me from darkness,
He lifted me from the bottom of the pit.

Because of what he has done on the Cross,
I see his amazing work of love and grace.

He caused me to live again,
He healed me and made me strong.

He restored me as a happy wife and mother,
My heart sings with gratitude every day.

God, where are you?
His presence and peace are here with me.

Anonymous Student