Rev Dr Lim Teck Peng
Academic Dean<br /> Lee Huai Kwang Professor of Religious Education
BSc (National University of Singapore)
Graduate Diploma in Education (Institute of Education, Singapore)
BD (Hon) (University of Edinburgh, UK)
PhD (University of London, UK)
Denomination: Baptist
Area of Research: Christian Education (C/E) 基督教教育
Rev Dr Lim Teck Peng is a graduate of the National University of Singapore with a major in Mathematics. After completing his teacher training, he joined the Gifted Education Programme Unit at the Ministry of Education. In response to God’s call, he left for the University of Edinburgh to pursue theological studies in 1996. He continued with postgraduate studies as a faculty in development of Trinity Theological College (TTC) and in 2004, was awarded a PhD in religious education by the University of London. As a faculty member of TTC, Dr Lim also served as the Director of the Centre for the Development of Christian Ministry (renamed EQUIP) which conducts evening courses for laypeople.
Dr Lim is an ordained Baptist minister. TTC granted him leave of absence from 2007 to 2010 to serve as President of the Baptist Theological Seminary in Singapore. Upon his return to TTC, he was appointed Associate Dean to oversee the Chinese programme. On 29 August 2019, Dr Lim was appointed as the Lee Huai Kwang Professor of Religious Education. He is also a member of the Senate of the ATU (ATESEA Theological Union).*
Effectively bi-lingual, Dr Lim’s long-term research interest lies in developing Christian educational ideas and practices for church and society. The focus of his current research is twofold: the educational contexts of the church as both state and society undergo modernisation process; and educational thinking and imagination engendered by the Bible and Christian traditions.
Besides publishing journal articles, a work for publication is in progress based on his public lectures at the Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary entitled “Priestly Education: Constructing an Educational Symbol.” Serving as the general editor of Shengjing Tiandi(圣经天地), he is currently spearheading a project in collaboration with churches to develop, in light of Singapore’s experience in bilingual education, a Bible curriculum using the mother tongue.
Dr Lim worships with his family at Queenstown Baptist Church.
* Association for Theological Education in South East Asia (ATESEA) is an accreditation body for seminaries in South-east Asia.
- “Church and Human Development: An Asian Perspective,” in A Church for the World: The Church’s Role in Fostering Democracy and Sustainable Development, ed. Samuel Y. Deressa (Lanham: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2020).
- “The Rise of Civil Society and the Fashioning of Christian Agency: An Asian Perspective.” Asia Journal of Theology 31 (2017): 41-57.
- “基督徒能动性的培养:公民社会崛起中的基督教家教育反思” (Nurturing of Christian Agency: Christian Education in the midst of Civil Society), 《山道》Hill Road 38 (2016): 45-58.
- “普世与特殊:希伯来智慧思想的两元结构与教育空间” (Universality and Particularity: The Two-Pole Structure and Pedagogic Space of Hebrew Wisdom),《基督教文化学刊》Journal for the Study of Christian Culture 34 (2015): 91-118.
- “Re-Visioning the Public Character of Christian Education,” Church and Society in Asia Today (Singapore: Trinity Theological College, 2013): 77-92.
- “视野与踪迹:再思新加坡华文教会的福音见证” (Vision and Presence: Reflecting on the Witness of Chinese-Speaking Churches in Singapore),《信仰心当代情:三一神学院华文部讲师文集》(Faithful Heart, Contemporary Reflection: Collected Essays of TTC Chinese Faculty), 刘毓江、林德平、刘淑平编 (新加坡: 三一神学院, 2013), 112-134.
- “Between Text-World and Life-World: A Pedagogical Criticism of Lindbeck’s Cultural Theory of Religions,” Trinity Theological Journal 14 (2006): 113-123.
- “Baptists,” in Singapore: The Encyclopedia, ed. Tommy Koh (Singapore: Didier Millet and the National Heritage Board, 2006), 56.
- “Christian Education or Religious Education? A Clarification of Concepts.” Presented at the 2019 Association for Theological Education in South East Asia (ATESEA) Conference for Christian Educators, 8-9 October 2019. Dumaguete, Philippines.
- “双语语境下的基督教宗教教育与《和合本》圣经”(Christian Religious Education and Union Version Bible in the Bilingual Context)。发表于《和合本》圣经百年(1919-2019)与古文明新文化国际研讨会,2019年9月5-6日,新加坡。
- “飨宴中的他者:圣经中仪式的想象、记忆与教育意涵”(Feasts and the Others: Imagination, Memory and Educational Implications of Ritual in the Bible)。发表于《圣经》与基督教中国化国际学术研讨会,2017年11月15-17日,上海。
- “祭司式教育:一个教育符号的构建”(Priestly Education: Construction of an Educational Symbol)。 发表于香港浸信会神学院基督教教育讲座,2016年9月13-15日,香港。
- “希伯来思想与轴心突破”(Hebraic Wisdom and the Axial Age Breakthrough)。发表于《圣经》与文化国际学术研讨会,2014年10月29 – 11月1日,上海。