Rev Dr Leonard Wee
BBA (National University of Singapore)
ThM (Dallas Theological Seminary, USA)
MA (University of Durham, UK)
PhD (University of Durham, UK)
Denomination: Presbyterian
Area of Research: New Testament (E)
Area of interest:
Pauline theology, biblical intertextuality, NT textual criticism, biblical hermeneutics, Second Temple writings and the Septuagint.
Rev Dr Leonard Wee is an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church in Singapore. He worked in the banking sector for five years before obtaining his Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary.
After pastoring for 10 years (7 years as the lead pastor at Hope Presbyterian Church), he was sent as faculty-in-development by TTC and the PCS Synod to study at Durham University, with scholarships from the Brash Trust, the Council for World Mission and TTC. He completed his PhD studies in 2013 under the supervision of Professor Francis B. Watson.
His wife, Doris, is a counsellor serving in a Christian social outreach organisation. They met while they were at Mt Carmel Bible-Presbyterian Church (1986-2001).
Published works
- “Paul’s Use of the Narrative Summary.” Central Taiwan Theological Seminary Journal, no. 5 (2014): 81-126.
Other Works:
- “Paul’s Use of Isaiah in 1 Corinthians 1–4.” M.A. Thesis, Durham University, 2009.
- “Beyond the Echoes: Extending the Framework for Biblical Intertextuality.” PhD Thesis, Durham University, 2012.
Papers - “Beyond the Echoes: Paul and Jeremiah in Romans 9:1-3.” Paper presented at the Biblical Studies Postgraduate Conference, University of Manchester, 10 March 2011.
- “Features in Paul’s Summary of OT Historical Narratives.” Paper presented at the Durham University Theology & Religion Department New Testament Seminar, 14 November 2011.
- “Paul’s Use of the Narrative Summary in 2 Corinthians 3:7-18.” Paper presented at the Biblical Studies Postgraduate Conference, University of Sheffield, 23 April 2012.
- “Paul’s Use of the Narrative Summary.” Paper presented at the International Congress of Ethnic Chinese Biblical Scholars, Hong Kong, 19 August 2014.
- “Paul’s Narrative Summary in Galatians 4:21-31.” Paper presented at the TTC Faculty Colloquium, 24 April 2015.