What the college is doing in response to the Covid-19 pandemic will be available on this page.

Safety Advice For Guests and Visitors
While the mask-wearing requirement for indoor activities was removed on Mon 29 Aug 2022, please continue to exercise personal and social responsibility.
We would encourage those who are unwell to stay at home and join us online, if the option is available.
Thank you for your kind understanding and cooperating with us to maintain a safe campus environment.

Mask Wearing Optional Indoors 在室内佩戴面罩 (选择性)—Fri 26 Aug 2022
In line with the Government’s new directive that the wearing of masks will no longer be required indoors from next Monday (Aug 29), except on public transport and in healthcare facilities in Singapore, mask-wearing at all spaces in TTC will be optional—including class time and chapel services.
根据新加坡政府的新指令,从下周一 (8月29日) 起,在国内除公共交通工具和医疗机构以外,佩戴口罩将是选择性的。
Please continue to observe good personal hygiene and be considerate to those around you. Do stay away from the campus if you feel unwell or are recovering from illness. Prevailing leave application procedures apply.
Thank you for your attention.
Dawn and Christine
Safety Management Officers
Emailed to students, staff, and faculty members on Fri 26 Aug 22 at 1.15pm
(Click on any of the pages below for the full PDF with links)
Covid-19 advisory updates to TTC matriculated and occasional students—Tue 12 Jul 22