Then the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” And he added, “These are the true words of God.” (Revelation 19:9)
Although it was not the Lamb’s great feast of final victory, nevertheless, the TTC 71st Anniversary Dinner was a foretaste of the great banquet to come. Vice Principal, Rev Dr Edwin Tay, and Rev Dr James Lim, our gracious emcees, warmly welcomed guests. Rev Dr Gregory Goh prayed a blessing with the thanksgiving prayer and grace.
It was a night of declaration! Final year students Daniel Lee and Chan Xin Hui led all to exalt the Lord, proclaiming His glory and greatness. The choir, conducted by the indefatigable and inspirational Mrs Simon Chan, moved those present with two stirring anthems: A Psalm of Praise and Praise His Holy Name.
It was a night of recognition! Rev Dr Ngoei Foong Nghian and Rev Dr Leonard Wee, presented certificates to EQUIP and Qicheng graduands who had completed courses in Christian ministry and mission practice.
It was a night of consecration! Rev Dr Jimmy Tan and Rev Yap Seok Chin committed our graduating cohort to the Lord. Rev Dr Ngoei exhorted us in his Principal’s Address to be faithful stewards of the apostolic mission of the College – the propagation of the Gospel. We must continue to do so, through:
- Laying theological foundations
- Counter-cultural engagement
- Commitment to Religious harmony
Finally, it was a night of celebration! Much laughter and conversation were shared at the dinner table as we enjoyed the bonds of love within the family of God. Most importantly, we celebrated God’s faithful love to TTC over 71 years as Rev Canon Dr Titus Chung closed our celebration with the benediction.
To God alone be glory, blessing and honour!
By Benjamin Sun (MDiv1)