Harmony Games 2022
After a two-year hiatus due to Covid-19, the Harmony Games came back full swing this year on the Sat 27 Aug 2022. The Harmony Games are organised every year by different religious organisations. This year, the games were hosted by the Sikh community at the Singapore Khalsa Association (SKA) and graced by guest-of-honour, Dr Janil Puthucheary, Senior Minister of State in the Ministry of Communications and Information, and the Ministry of Health. About 18 religious organisations took part in this year’s Harmony Games, including the Inter-Religious Organisation (Singapore), Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis), Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore, Singapore Buddhist Federation, Taoist Federation (Singapore), and the Singapore Indian Development Association.
Representing the National Council of Churches Singapore (NCCS), TTC sent a team comprising five students and our Dean of Students. After a mass warm up at the Premier Pitch of the SKA, the students participated in the various games organised, which included football, hockey, lawn bowling and kampong games. After a mass bhangra aerobics session at the Premier Pitch, participants were treated to a sumptuous lunch. Overall, an enjoyable morning was had by all. For some, it was an eye-opening exposure to an inter-religious experience aimmed at building social cohesion and harmony; for others, it was a good time catching up with old acquaintances.
(Some photos are courtesy of the Singapore Khalsa Association)