It took months in the making, and the eagerly anticipated gathering to happen. On June 25, 2016, the Class of 2006 came together for a class reunion, and aptly so, at the very place where it all started i.e. Trinity Theological College.
As they entered the room, the 20 of them instantly recognizing one another even though 10 years had since passed. Amidst exclamations of “You look EXACTLY the same,” and warm embraces, everyone was young again – transported back to the time they were TTC students.
While regaling each other with their tales and exploits, many had fond memories of the stress that only “mature students” (our average age then was 44) could experience during those TTC years together. The camaraderie and bonding were palpable. Clearly, the TTC spirit had withstood the test of time. Our guest of honor, Dr. and Mrs. Simon Chan got reacquainted with us and beamed as we remembered his “firm teachings” and generous dispensations of Cs.
Naturally, whenever, Singaporean gathers, there is food; in this case, a scrumptious buffet spread no less. After a brief time of worship, we continued in a time of fellowship.
As the evening progressed, it was clear that not everything and everyone had remained “exactly the same.” Many have became “Reverends,” and “Doctors,” while others have gone on to be mothers and grandmothers. In 2003, we came from all walks of life and many corners of the world to take a step forward in faith on our Journey of Grace – a journey which culminated in 2006. Some of us were sent to regions beyond whilst others served quietly and faithfully in parishes and ministries that the Lord directed us to.
Yes, we have all been blessed in so many ways. Yet, this is My Father’s World. And we pray that we will continue to walk confidently, serve purposefully, and minister humbly, always trusting in a God of Grace.
By Cheng Chee Seng (BTh 2006)