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A Lament about Fear

My LORD, do not leave me alone,
do not hide your face from me.

The emptiness in my heart leaves me with hopelessness,
Darkness has swallowed my joy.

Weariness follows me daily
How long, O LORD, how long will this pain last?

Fear pierced my heart,
Fright freezes my feet,
Dread faces me at every turn.

There is no peace in this house,
Anger and threats terrorise every day and every hour.

O LORD, save me,
Listen to the cries of your children!

Your light will swallow up my darkness,
Your love will drown out the clamour.

For you are my heavenly father
who never abandons me.

You fill my empty heart with love,
So that I can love other empty hearts.

Then will all your children praise your name forever,
And dance and sing with great joy.

Wennie Dong  (BDiv, 1)