News Update from the Adrianos in Davao City, Philippines (Sep 2018)
Our beloved family, friends, fellow intercessors, and lovers of Israel,
Overflowing blessings be yours from the piercing love of our heavenly Father, the enabling presence of the Holy Spirit, and the abiding grace of our soon coming Bridegroom-King—Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah). We are eternally grateful to God for you for remembering us in your in prayers before Him even as we exercise enduring faith and obedience in Him who called us who is faithful Himself.
Here are some updates.
1. Pastor Dong. *Studies. I need only one (1) more subject in January 14–19, 2019 on New Testament Exegesis Methods and a dissertation to complete the requirements for my studies at the Asia Graduate School of Theology (AGST) on Biblical Studies for the Master of Theology (Th.M.) degree in the Biblical Seminary of the Philippines (BSOP) campus in Valenzuela City, Metro-Manila. *Unity Movement. 1. I faithfully attend the monthly meetings of the Davao City Ministerial Fellowship (DCMF) and the Metro Davao Pastors Fellowship (MDPF) where I serve as board member. 2. I help coordinate ministries among the pastors here. 3. I still officiate basketball games of pastors, leaders, and members every Wednesday and Friday from 7:30-10 AM. I enjoy it and my medical doctor likes that I am running to keep me trim and healthy. *Teaching Ministry. 1. I serve as a facilitator for the Truth and Life Ministry (TLM), the Mindanao branch of Purpose and Passion Ministry, Manila. It is a series of sessions on the study of Bible interpretation (hermeneutics) with the goal of interpreting the Bible correctly. 2. I share the Word of God right after the flag ceremony every Monday morning at 7:45 AM in the barangay (village) hall in Matina Aplaya. 3. I enjoy teaching Biblical Exegesis on Tuesdays and Old Testament Survey on Wednesdays at 10:30 AM-12:30 PM since June 5 at the Fire School of Missions here.
2. Pastora Ester. She is busy doing a lot of housework and ministry along with the prayer movements here. *Prayer Movement. She faithfully worships and prays daily at 4-6 AM at home except on Thursday where she joins the corporate prayer for President Rodrigo Roa Duterte and the Philippines at the Davao City Hall flagpole at 5-6 AM. She leads the Wednesday evening prayer meeting as well as the Shabbat celebration and prayer every Friday night at home. She also supervises the children’s Sunday school and mentoring on Sunday afternoon.
3. Marygrace. She has resumed teaching English online to a number of Japanese students via Skype on August 1. She is praying to study in a Bible school to be a Bible teacher. She helps as keyboard player and at times also as worship leader for Sunday worship. She is the dynamic chairperson of the young people fellowship and mentors them during Life Group session on Sunday morning. She occasionally preaches when Pastor Dong is out of Davao City.
4. Happy. He is Maryjoy’s mini Pinscher and Dachshund cross breed dog. He is a smart, brave, playful, and good-looking guard dog. He will celebrate his birthday on October 7.
5. *Others. 1. Ester and Marygrace went to Hong Kong on July 24–26 as a gift of Philippine President Rodrigo R. Duterte to two members each of the family of the NCCC Mall fire victims here. 2. Ester, Marygrace, Chad, and I had an overnight rest and relaxation at Lake Agko, Kidapawan, Cotabato on July 27-28. The place has hot springs as it is located at the foot of Mount Apo. It also has warm and cold pools. It was cold at night. 3. Ester and I helped in hosting the Jesus Is Lord Church regional pastors and their Ministry Information System (MIS) staff for the Mindanao Area Performance Operating Report on August 3-4. 4. We celebrated the feasts of Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year/Feast of Trumpets) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) at our church.
*As a family, we long to go back to Israel to do ministry in whatever capacity. Remember to pray with us and for us to go back to Israel.
We are earnestly praying that you’ll prayerfully consider partnering with us and being involved in the ministry here in Davao City and beyond. Pray with us as we continue to pray and be in tuned with what the Lord wants us to get done. Here are some prayer concerns:
1. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. PM Bibi Netanyahu praised US President Donald Trump for the correct decision in closing the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) delegation office in Washington D.C., saying: “the United States has made the right decision. The Palestinians refuse to enter negotiations with us and at the same time, they are attacking Israel with lies in international forums. Israel highly appreciates the Trump administration’s decision and supports American actions aimed at making it clear to the Palestinians that refusing to enter negotiations and unbridled attacks not only will not advance peace—they will not benefit the Palestinians.” Pray also for the salvation and reconciliation of Jews and Palestinians in Messiah Yeshua.
2. Pray for the Philippines. Pray for President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (PRRD) as he leads our country. Pray for guidance for him and his cabinet towards peace, progress, and prosperity. He went to Israel on September 3—5. He is the first sitting president to visit Israel. His entourage included Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte, some cabinet members, and a number of recovering soldiers injured in the Marawi conflict. PRRD’s first marriage was to a Jewess, Elizabeth Zimmerman.
3. Need for Feeding Program and Children Education Supporters. We minister among the low-income group families in Matina Aplaya and Matina Pangi. Pray for partners to join us in the feeding program for about Php2,300 (S$67/US$50) per meal to feed over 80 children with a healthy meal.
4. Open Doors to Teach Hermeneutics Classes. We are looking for pastors and leaders who are willing to undergo 13 sessions on interpreting the Bible correctly. Philippine Challenge survey said that 80 percent of the 55,000 Filipino pastors had no formal seminary or Bible school training at all.
5. God Bless Israel Convocation 2018. It is on October 10—11, 8:30 AM—4:00 PM at Praise Revival Church, Davao City. The theme is Israel: God’s Billboard to the Nations. Speakers are: Rev. Al L. Festin (Senior Pastor, Praise Revival Center), Pastor Eric Miller (Director, Fire School of Mission), Rev. Ken Sandberg (Pastor, Church 153), Pastor Deepak Kataria (Missionary, The Navigators), and Pastor Dong R. Adriano (Coordinator, God Bless Israel). Pray for more and new participants to come from Mindanao and beyond. Pray for sponsors to raise S$1,800 (US$1,500) for the two free lunches and four snacks for about 800 participants and love gifts for the four speakers.
6. Financial Support for Pastor Dong’s Studies. I need about Php10,000.00 for the last modular class that includes a two-way airfare and airport tax, food and lodging and a small allowance.
7. I will be 63 on September 23! I am blessed with loved ones, fellow ministers, and intercessors who pray for me and my family! I enjoy reading books and journals as well as doing research.
We are eternally grateful to the Lord for you who have faithfully supported us through prayers and/or finances. May the Lord richly reward you as you trust and obey Him (Psalm 20). We could not have done as much as we could have done without your prayers and financial support. Should you wish to partner with us, do let us know. Kindly inform us by e-mail, SMS, or phone call for your messages at: E-mail: esterdong@gmail.com Facebook: Wilfredo Adriano (Davao City) Calls and SMS: +639993917588 (Smart)
Should you have an opportunity to come to Davao City, do plan to see us. You are more than welcome to join us in prayer and in ministry with us here. Abundant blessings be yours in the Lord Jesus Christ. We are praying for you and the ministry you are involved with for His greatest glory.
May the LORD bless you richly with full of breakthroughs and completions. Shalom.
In Messiah’s love,
Pastor Dong, Pastora Ester, and Marygrace R. Adriano
*Let us watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that we do be done with love.–1 Corinthians 16:13-14
*We are filled with hope, as we wait for the glorious return of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.–Titus 2:13